My path life

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Hardest Time

i dont wish it for my life,
i never ask God to give it,
it came by itself,
and i will not blame to all this kind of life as i face it untill then.

i accept mylife as it be,
but i thought it is perfect,
no matter how much thorn on road ,
i walk until the end,
i face it,
my blood running bleed,
i stop thinking where is the end,
and i know i never find the END.

it come for my heart,
i need help,
i want for that,
i shout it loud for a HELP,
but no one could hear it ,
because i say it in my heart,
people couldnt find me,
people couldnt reach me,
they dont see me,

i really need to get out of this mud,
a mud that full of stuck,
its really hard for me to get through of it,
im live nothing,
i have no one,
im leaving all in this earth with only me,
all those people like a doll,
the doll that only decorate the world.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

AYESHA'S bad day

budak ni biol sikit. nk tau sbb ape?
meh aku cita meh, haa ari ni , aku turung rehat, mkn ngn farah dpt pulak nasi goreng ayam mrah, fuh hingga menjilat2 , sedap wo. mase aku dah abis mkn, si murni plak dtg nk mkn, die mkn lmbt so aku buat bodo je, pastu aku nk beli jmbu,die kate"Weyh! kau nk pgi mane tunggu aaa aku !" dgn nada yg kuat dan ketakutan akan ditingglkn, so aku ckp laa aku nk bli jmbu. so murni pon okay je a dgn tgk muke aku yg JEMBU nih. hahaha, taks emena mena , aku pg tinggl kn murni mkn sorg , pdn muka dia, jahat aku. hahahaha. lepas tu aku ngn fara mahu ke koperasi, aku sudah melihat iqa dn konco²nya dan ayesha juga.teteiba iqa meng-hoi aku. die pikir aku tknmpk k die yg kecik tu? aku nmpk,nthen aku ckp nk pg koperasi nk bli roti , selepas selesai disitu aku pergi ke iqa dan ayesha dan konco nya, aku brckp2 aja laah, teteibe aku ingin sanagt mengusik teteknya ayesha, aku usik secare terkujat bak elektrik, dan ayesha pon mnjerit bagaikn kena sawan babi yang comel. dan aku usik lagi, ayesha memarahi aku, die kate aku ni bodo, aku mmg bodo pon kadang, selpas itu die menyilang tangnnya kerna tkut aku cuit tetek nya. aku gelak disitu kerna sukaaa!