My path life

Sunday, February 15, 2009

you said move on where do i go

i cant believe you eventhough you are my best friend . my tears fall down one by one .
every bullet of your word have kill me inside.
every touch of your hand that stab me ,
every sight that you stare on me will make me such a fool ,
everyh single thing on you anyway will be the disaster for me , soon , later or in any moment .

because every beautiful things in you turn to a worst nightmare for me after you forgot yourself.
you are acid that would tear my skin out , and you are pallalette that will cure my wound.

and you are my grave when im dead

Friday, September 12, 2008


Orang Melayu dikatakan mengambil perkataan ELEKTRIK daripada perkataan Inggeris yang juga ELECTRIC. Tetapi yang sebenarnya, ELECTRIC itu diambil dari perkataan Melayu campur Inggeris.

Ceritanya… . Pada suatu masa dulu selepas setahun Thomas Edison mencipta lampu, saintis tidak pernah terfikir memberi nama kuasa yang menyebabkan lampu itu hidup. Jadi, entah macam mana semasa lampu mula-mula hendak diperkenalkan di Tanah Melayu, ada seorang Melayu yang bernama Kulup Kalimantang mati-mati tidak percaya pada hasil ciptaan Thomas Edison itu. Semasa demonstrasi diadakan oleh Thomas di Tanah Melayu untuk memperkenalkan lampu itu, Kulup Kalimantang pun berkata dengan kuat.

“Ele..trick aje tu… ele..trick aje… ele trick!”. ( Bermaksud tipu )

Thomas Edison berfikir Kulup berkata begitu kerana mengatakan lampu menyala disebabkan oleh kuasa “ele..trick” . Jadi digunakanlah perkataan “ELE..TRICK” yang dieja ELECTRIC mengikut ejaan orang putih. Sebagai mengingati jasa Kulup Kalimantang menamakan kuasa ELECTRIC itu, maka diciptalah sejenis lampu panjang yang dinamakan lampu kalimantang




Monday, September 8, 2008

i hate my A2 friend

sorry if u look at my very-very so-called cool tittle. i didnt wish it would come this way , but i have to , i have to tell somthing , i wont like to see your fucking baby face and stare at me. okay . i mean ur baby sympathy face, and like u want some thing from me so bad ly. awwww, shit what am i doing.huh, u want to do anything to get close with me? just do ! including ur fucking baby face wanting for sympathy , and it wont work out that way . or in other word , it wont make me feel pity tobefriending with you.or it never happen. as usually u use your trick to trapt me with your fucking face.
stop that a
. u are only think for ur self.non of them understand you , but u want us to understand you, and we have to check up our very best vocab to understand what strange language are u using for ! what such u ha?
u are fake.obvious!!! u are fake to be kind , polite, and friendly . ahhh that is ur mask. hey throw away ur bad behave lar. yes i dont have a right to get u chnage into a very perfectfull person for me , thats what we called "selfish for thinking own feeling" now , just dont interupt in mylife , i wont ruin ur life , so , dont ever try to get closse to me,MY HEART WONT OPEN FOR YOU . mybe its not the rite time.just understand , it last for you to understand. or i will accept you if u go away from me, mybe that time to regret my cold feeling towards you . if you want a friend then go , if you dont want a friend i let GOD know to get you into hell. friend is not like one stop station when you get tired or what ever, friend is astationwhich make u happy and make them happy , it mean happy station. thats all

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Hardest Time

i dont wish it for my life,
i never ask God to give it,
it came by itself,
and i will not blame to all this kind of life as i face it untill then.

i accept mylife as it be,
but i thought it is perfect,
no matter how much thorn on road ,
i walk until the end,
i face it,
my blood running bleed,
i stop thinking where is the end,
and i know i never find the END.

it come for my heart,
i need help,
i want for that,
i shout it loud for a HELP,
but no one could hear it ,
because i say it in my heart,
people couldnt find me,
people couldnt reach me,
they dont see me,

i really need to get out of this mud,
a mud that full of stuck,
its really hard for me to get through of it,
im live nothing,
i have no one,
im leaving all in this earth with only me,
all those people like a doll,
the doll that only decorate the world.